Obsessional thinking, sometimes referred to as obsessive thinking or rumination, is a pattern of recurring thoughts or fixations that are often distressing and intrusive. These thoughts may be irrational, unwanted, and persistent, leading to feelings of anxiety, guilt, or shame. People with obsessional thinking may experience a range of symptoms, including mental preoccupation, compulsive behaviors, and difficulty focusing on other tasks or activities. Some common obsessional thinking patterns can involve worries related to contamination, safety, or harm, doubts about one’s abilities or perceptions, or a preoccupation with order or symmetry. Obsessive thinking can be a symptom of an anxiety disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) but can also occur in isolation.
Therapy can be helpful in treating obsessional thinking. Therapy helps people become aware of their unconscious thoughts and emotions and their impact on their behavior. By exploring and processing the underlying emotional conflicts that may be fueling obsessional thinking, I can help you develop insight, gain a better understanding of their patterns of thinking and behavior, and learn coping strategies to manage your symptoms. Additionally, our therapeutic relationship can help faciliate developing healthy attachment patterns and relate to others in a more fulfilling and satisfying way which in turn may lessen obsessional thinking.